Prescon Hallmark

Transfer Pricing Service - Best Compliance Services in Prescon Hallmark

In today’s global economy, businesses are increasingly operating across borders, leading to the need for effective transfer pricing strategies. Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods, services, and intangible assets transferred within multinational companies. It plays a crucial role in ensuring fair taxation and preventing base erosion and profit shifting. At Prescon Hallmark, we understand the complexities involved in transfer pricing compliance.


of Our Transfer Pricing Service


Robust Compliance Framework

Our transfer pricing service is built on a robust compliance framework that ensures your business meets all legal requirements. We conduct a detailed analysis of your transactions and help you develop a transfer pricing policy that aligns with your business objectives while complying with Malaysian regulations. By partnering with us, you can rest assured that your transfer pricing arrangements are fully documented and meet the arm’s length principle, minimizing the risk of penalties and disputes.

Expertise in Malaysian Transfer Pricing Regulations

Our team of transfer pricing specialists has a deep understanding of the legal framework surrounding transfer pricing in Malaysia. We stay up-to-date with the latest regulations and guidelines issued by the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to ensure your business remains compliant. With our expertise, we can guide you through the documentation requirements, transfer pricing methods, and advance pricing agreements (APAs) to help you navigate the often complex transfer pricing landscape.

Tailored Solutions for Your Business

At Prescon Hallmark, we believe that each business is unique, and one-size-fits-all solutions do not work when it comes to transfer pricing. We take the time to understand your business operations, and industry dynamics, and transfer pricing risks to develop tailored solutions that meet your specific needs. Our approach is collaborative, ensuring that you have a thorough understanding of the transfer pricing strategies implemented and their impact on your business. We work closely with you to ensure smooth implementation and ongoing compliance.

What is Transfer Pricing in Malaysia?

Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of cross-border transactions between related entities within a multinational company. In Malaysia, transfer pricing regulations aim to ensure that transactions between related parties are conducted at arm’s length prices as if the transactions were between independent parties.
The Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB) requires businesses to prepare and maintain transfer pricing documentation, demonstrating that their related-party transactions are conducted following the arm’s length principle. Non-compliance can result in hefty penalties, tax adjustments, and potential disputes with the IRB.

Legal Framework

The legal framework for transfer pricing in Malaysia consists of various laws and regulations. The key legislation governing transfer pricing is the Income Tax Act 1967 and its related regulations, including the Transfer Pricing Guidelines and Amendments.
These regulations outline the compliance requirements, documentation standards, transfer pricing methods, and penalty provisions. Staying up-to-date with the legal framework is crucial to ensure compliance with Malaysian transfer pricing regulations.

Documentation Requirements

Malaysian transfer pricing regulations require businesses to maintain contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation to support the arm’s length nature of their related-party transactions. The documentation should provide a comprehensive analysis of the business operations, the functions performed, risks assumed, and assets utilized in the transactions.

Prescon Hallmark can assist you in preparing the necessary documentation, ensuring that it meets the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board’s requirements. Our experts meticulously analyze your transactions and provide detailed documentation that stands up to scrutiny in the event of a tax audit or dispute.


Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs)

In Malaysia, businesses can enter into Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs) with the Inland Revenue Board (IRB) to obtain certainty and avoid potential transfer pricing disputes. An APA is a formal agreement between the taxpayer and the tax authority, specifying the transfer pricing methodology to be applied to the covered transactions for a specified period.

Prescon Hallmark can help you navigate the APA process, from initial discussions with the IRB to negotiation and finalization of the agreement. With our expertise, you can minimize transfer pricing uncertainties and focus on driving your business forward.

How to Manage Transfer Pricing Compliance in Malaysia? Our Menu of
Transfer Pricing

Ensuring transfer pricing compliance in Malaysia requires a proactive approach and a robust framework. Here are a few key areas to focus on:

Transfer Pricing Policy

Developing a transfer pricing policy that aligns with your business objectives is crucial. The policy should define your transfer pricing arrangements, document the pricing methodologies employed, and establish how related-party transactions should be conducted.

Prescon Hallmark can assist you in formulating a transfer pricing policy that meets your specific business needs and ensures compliance with Malaysian regulations.


Internal Controls

Implementing robust internal controls is essential to maintain the integrity of your transfer pricing arrangements. This includes documenting the roles and responsibilities of key personnel involved in transfer pricing, establishing review processes, and conducting periodic audits to ensure compliance.
Our experts can help you design and implement internal controls that provide you with confidence in the accuracy and reliability of your transfer pricing arrangements.

Tax Audits and Dispute Resolution

In the event of a tax audit or dispute, it is crucial to have a well-prepared defense strategy. Prescon Hallmark can assist you in managing tax audits and disputes with the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB).

Our team of transfer pricing specialists will work closely with you to assess the situation, gather the necessary information, and help you present a robust defense. We aim to minimize disruptions to your business operations and help you achieve a favorable outcome.

How to Appoint
a Malaysia Transfer Pricing Services Company Online?

In Malaysia, every company must appoint a company secretary as required by the Companies Act 1965. The company secretary must meet the following requirements:
By following these steps, you can ensure that you choose a transfer pricing services company that meets your specific business needs and compliance requirements.

How to Choose a Reliable and Qualified Transfer Pricing Service
Company in Malaysia?

Choosing a reliable and qualified transfer pricing service company in Malaysia is crucial to ensure that your business remains compliant and avoids potential penalties and disputes. Here are five tips to help you make the right choice:
By following these tips, you can make an informed decision and choose a transfer pricing service company that is best suited for your business.

Contact Us Right Now to Learn More Prescon Hallmark Transfer Pricing Services

To learn more about Prescon Hallmark’s hallmark transfer pricing services, contact us today. Our team of experts is ready to answer your questions, provide a detailed consultation, and guide you through the complexities of transfer pricing compliance in Malaysia.

Partner with Prescon Hallmark and rest assured that your business is in the hands of transfer pricing professionals who are committed to delivering the best compliance services.


What is Transfer Pricing?
Transfer pricing refers to the pricing of goods, services, and intangible assets transferred within multinational companies, ensuring fair taxation and preventing base erosion and profit shifting.
What are the consequences of not complying with transfer pricing regulations in Malaysia?
The consequences of not complying with transfer pricing regulations in Malaysia can include hefty penalties, tax adjustments, and potential disputes with the Malaysian Inland Revenue Board (IRB).
How can I determine the most appropriate transfer pricing method for my business?
To determine the most appropriate transfer pricing method for your business, you should consider factors such as industry norms, functions performed, risks assumed, and the availability of reliable comparable data.
What are the documentation requirements for transfer pricing in Malaysia?
The documentation requirements for transfer pricing in Malaysia include maintaining contemporaneous transfer pricing documentation that provides a comprehensive analysis of the business operations and pricing methodologies employed.