Prescon Hallmark

What is Corporate Income Tax? A Comprehensive Guide to Corporation Income Tax

Corporate income tax is a crucial aspect of running a business in Malaysia. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of corporate income tax, including the types of corporate tax rates, the responsibilities of filing taxes, standard filing methods, tax payment methods and deadlines, and the submission of the corporate income tax return.
What is Corporate Income Tax

Type of Company Corporate
Tax Rates in Malaysia

When it comes to corporate income tax, different types of companies have varying tax rates in Malaysia. Let’s take a closer look at the tax rates applicable to different types of companies:

Public Listed Companies

Public listed companies in Malaysia are subject to a corporate tax rate of 24%. These companies need to ensure accurate and timely filing of their tax returns.

Resident Companies

Resident companies, which are locally based and incorporated in Malaysia, are subject to a corporate tax rate of 24%. These companies play a crucial role in the country’s economy and are required to fulfill their tax obligations.

Non-Resident Companies

Non-resident companies, on the other hand, are those that are foreign-based and do not have a physical presence in Malaysia. These companies are subject to a higher corporate tax rate of 24% on the income derived from Malaysian sources.

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)

Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia enjoy a reduced corporate tax rate. These companies with a paid-up capital of less than RM2.5 million are subject to a corporate tax rate of 17% on the first RM600,000 chargeable income. Any chargeable income exceeding RM600,000 will be subject to the normal corporate tax rate of 24%.

Labuan Companies

Labuan companies, which are incorporated in Labuan, an offshore financial center in Malaysia, are subject to a corporate tax rate of 3% on their net audited profits. This attractive tax rate makes Labuan companies an appealing choice for certain international businesses. Companies need to understand their specific tax rates and ensure compliance with the relevant regulations.

Responsibilities of Malaysia CompanyFiling Corporate Income Tax

Companies in Malaysia have a range of responsibilities when it comes to filing their corporate income tax. It is crucial to fulfill these responsibilities to maintain a good standing with the tax authorities. Here are the key responsibilities that companies need to be aware of:

Accurate Record Keeping

Companies must maintain accurate records of their financial transactions and ensure that the information is readily available for tax purposes.

Tax Return Preparation

Companies need to prepare their corporate income tax returns accurately and promptly to meet the submission deadlines.

Compliance with Tax Laws

Companies need to stay updated with the latest tax laws and regulations to ensure compliance.

Disclosure of Information

Companies must disclose all relevant information, including income, expenses, and any tax planning measures undertaken.

Engagement with Tax Authorities

Companies may be required to engage with the tax authorities for audits, clarifications, or other tax-related matters.
By fulfilling these responsibilities, companies can avoid penalties and maintain a good relationship with the tax authorities.

Follow a Standard
Filing Method

When it comes to filing corporate income tax, it is important to follow a standard method to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Here are some key steps to consider:

Gather Relevant Financial Information

Collect all the necessary financial information, such as profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and other supporting documents.

Fill out the Tax Return Form

Ensure that all required fields in the tax return form are accurately completed with the relevant financial information.

Non-Resident Companies

Calculate the company’s taxable income by deducting allowable expenses from the gross income.

Attach Supporting Documents

Attach the necessary supporting documents, such as financial statements and tax computation, along with the tax return form.

Review and Double-Check

Before submitting the tax return, review all the information and double-check for any errors or omissions.
Following a standard filing method helps in maintaining accuracy and ensures a smooth process when filing corporate income tax.

Observe Tax Payment Method and Deadline

Along with filing the tax return, companies need to observe the tax payment method and deadline. Here are some key points to keep in mind:
By observing the tax payment method and deadline, companies can fulfill their tax obligations and avoid unnecessary penalties.

Form C Furnish

Form C is the tax return form for companies in Malaysia. It is used to report the company’s income, deductions, and tax liabilities. Companies must accurately fill out and furnish Form C to the tax authorities. Here are some key points to consider when filling out Form C:
By furnishing Form C correctly and promptly, companies can fulfill their reporting obligations and maintain compliance with the tax authorities.

Tax Incentives in Malaysia

Malaysia offers various tax incentives to promote investment and business growth. Here are three key tax incentives available for eligible companies:
These tax incentives play a crucial role in attracting investment and fostering business growth in Malaysia.

Contact Us Right Now to Learn More Prescon Hallmark Corporate Income Tax Service

If you have any questions or need assistance with your corporate income tax obligations in Malaysia, contact Prescon Hallmark Corporate Income Tax Service. Our team of experts is well-versed in Malaysia’s tax regulations and can provide comprehensive guidance and support tailored to your specific needs. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ensure your corporate income tax compliance.


What is Corporate Income Tax in Malaysia?
Corporate income tax in Malaysia is the tax paid by companies on their profit or income generated within the country.
What is the Income Tax Rate for SMEs?
The income tax rate for SMEs in Malaysia is 17% on the first RM600,000 of chargeable income, and any amount exceeding RM600,000 is taxed at the standard rate of 24%.
How to declare business Income Tax in Malaysia?
Business owners can declare their income tax in Malaysia by completing and submitting Form C, along with the necessary financial statements and supporting documents, to the Inland Revenue Board of Malaysia (IRBM).
How many types of tax are there in Malaysia?
There are various types of tax in Malaysia, including corporate income tax, personal income tax, goods and services tax (GST), and customs duty.