Prescon Hallmark

What is a Business Tax / Company Tax Return? A Comprehensive Guide to Business Taxes

If you own a company in Malaysia, it is essential to understand the concept of company tax return. This comprehensive guide will provide you with all the information you need to know about company tax returns in Malaysia.

Different Types Of Companies and Their Tax Residency
Status in Malaysia

Before diving into the specifics of company tax returns, it’s important to understand the different types of companies and their tax residency status in Malaysia. There are four main types of companies:

Resident Companies

Resident companies play a vital role in Malaysia’s economy. They contribute to the country’s tax revenue and provide employment opportunities for its citizens. These companies are required to file annual tax returns and pay taxes on their income generated both within and outside Malaysia. Malaysia’s tax laws ensure that resident companies are treated fairly and are not disadvantaged compared to non-resident companies. This encourages local businesses to thrive and contribute to the country’s economic growth.

Non-Resident Companies

Non-resident companies often establish a presence in Malaysia to take advantage of the country’s strategic location, skilled workforce, and business-friendly environment. These companies contribute to Malaysia’s economy by investing in local infrastructure, creating job opportunities, and transferring knowledge and technology. While non-resident companies are not taxed on their worldwide income, they are still required to comply with Malaysian tax regulations for the income generated within the country. This ensures that they contribute their fair share to Malaysia’s tax revenue.

Labuan Companies

Labuan companies are entities that are incorporated in Labuan, a federal territory in Malaysia. These companies enjoy various tax benefits and are subject to special tax rates. Labuan, known as an international offshore financial center, offers attractive tax incentives to companies incorporated within its jurisdiction. Labuan companies benefit from a low tax rate, exemption from certain taxes, and simplified reporting requirements. These tax advantages make Labuan an attractive destination for businesses engaged in international trading, investment activities, and wealth management.

Branches or Representative Offices

Branches or representative offices are the Malaysian presence of foreign companies. They are subject to Malaysian tax laws on their Malaysian-sourced income. Foreign companies often establish branches or representative offices in Malaysia to expand their operations and tap into the country’s vibrant market. These offices serve as a local point of contact for customers, suppliers, and business partners. Branches or representative offices are required to comply with Malaysian tax regulations and report their income generated within the country. This ensures that they contribute to Malaysia’s tax revenue and operate on a level playing field with local companies.

How to Fill Out The Company
Tax Return Form and Its Schedules?

Now that you understand the different types of companies, let’s delve into the process of filling out the company tax return form and its schedules.

Acquire the Correct Corporate Tax Return Form

Ensure you start on the right foot with your corporate tax return by obtaining the appropriate form from the IRBM. Whether you’re a small business or a larger corporation, downloading the correct tax forms is the first step toward accurate tax filing. Utilize popular tax software like TurboTax or seek live expert advice to ensure you’re applying the right method from the start.

Accurate Form Completion for Business Taxes

Accuracy is crucial when reporting company income, deductions, and employment taxes. Use the provided instructions to fill out your tax return forms correctly, taking advantage of insights to optimize your tax liability. Whether you’re self-employed or run a partnership, ensure every line is meticulously reported. TaxAct, among other services, can offer solutions to streamline this process.

Attach the Schedules

For a comprehensive overview of your corporate income, attach the necessary schedules to your main tax return. These include reports of payroll, state taxes, and any payments made throughout the year. If you’re using tax software, features like a penalty calculator or a credit estimator can be valuable tools. Remember, accurate scheduling is key to applying for any refunds or credits from the government.

How to Calculate the Taxable Income, Deductions, Reliefs, and Tax Payable for Companies?

Calculating the taxable income, deductions, reliefs, and tax payable for companies requires careful consideration and accurate documentation. The taxable income is determined by subtracting allowable deductions, exemptions, and reliefs from the company’s revenue. Deductible expenses can include business-related expenses, employee wages, insurance premiums, and more. After calculating the taxable income, companies can then apply any applicable tax reliefs to reduce the tax payable. Some common tax reliefs include research and development (R&D) expenses, reinvestment allowances, and investment tax allowances. The final step is to determine the tax payable based on the company’s taxable income and the prevailing corporate tax rate in Malaysia. The current corporate tax rate in Malaysia is 24% for resident companies on their chargeable income.

Company Tax Return
Supporting Documents /mark>

To complete your company tax return with accuracy, you will need to prepare several supporting documents. These documents may include financial statements, profit and loss statements, balance sheets, transaction records, tax invoices, receipts, and any other relevant documents that verify the accuracy of the information provided in your tax return. It is crucial to keep these documents organized and readily accessible, as they may be requested by the IRBM for verification purposes.

How to Amend or Cancel a Company Tax Return?

If you need to make changes to your submitted company tax return or cancel it entirely, you can do so by submitting an amended return or a cancellation request to the IRBM. When amending a tax return, you will need to explain the changes made and any supporting documents that justify the amendments. Additionally, you must ensure that the amended return is submitted within the prescribed timeframe. For a cancellation request, you will need to provide a valid reason for canceling the tax return. Once the cancellation is approved, the original tax return will be deemed null and void.

How to Submit the Company
Tax Return Form?

After completing the company tax return form and attaching all necessary schedules and supporting documents, you can submit the form to the IRBM. The submission can be done through various methods, including physical submission at designated IRBM offices, online submission through the IRBM’s e-filing system, or by engaging the services of a tax agent. It is important to ensure that the tax return is submitted within the stipulated deadline to avoid penalties and ensure compliance with tax regulations.

Contact Us Right Now to Learn about Prescon Hallmark Company Tax Return Service

If you need assistance with your company tax return, you can contact Prescon Hallmark, a reputable tax consulting firm in Malaysia. They specialize in providing comprehensive tax services for businesses of all sizes. Prescon Hallmark’s team of experienced tax professionals can guide you through the entire tax return process, from filling out the forms to preparing the necessary supporting documents. With their expertise, you can be confident that your company tax return will be accurate and in compliance with Malaysian tax laws.


What is Company Tax Return Malaysia?
Company tax returns in Malaysia are comprehensive documents that businesses need to prepare and submit annually to comply with tax laws and disclose their financial information.
How do I submit a business tax?
You can submit a company tax return in Malaysia either online through the e-filing system or by mail or drop it at the designated tax office.
How much is company tax in Malaysia?
The amount of company tax in Malaysia depends on the taxable income, deductions, reliefs, and the applicable corporate tax rate, which can vary based on the annual income and company category.
What is Form C in Company Tax Returns Malaysia?
Form C is the official document used for filing the company tax return in Malaysia, where businesses report their financial information, deductions, reliefs, and tax payable.