Prescon Hallmark

Legacy Planning Service - Best Compliance Services in Prescon Hallmark

Secure your legacy in Malaysia with Prescon’s top-notch estate planning service. Our experts ensure compliance and guide you through the process. Explore the features, benefits, and steps involved in legacy planning with our trusted advisors. Calculate your mortgage, assess insurance needs, and understand tax implications. Our team of lawyers and financial advisors assist with retirement, business, and comprehensive planning.

of Our Legacy Planning Service

At our legacy planning service, we understand the importance of creating a comprehensive and personalized plan to ensure that your legacy is preserved and your wishes are fulfilled. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the guidance and support you need throughout the entire process. Here are some key features of our service:

Understanding Your Assets

Our legacy planning starts with a thorough assessment of your assets, going beyond finances, properties, and investments. We value the stories and emotional significance behind your assets, ensuring a holistic understanding of your wealth. Trust our expert team for comprehensive management, information review, and guidance. Partner with us for the best insights from brokers, insurance agents, retirement planners, and financial advisors.

Choosing Your Legacy Goal

Achieve your unique legacy aspirations with our expert guidance. Whether it’s financial security, charitable impact, or preserving family traditions, we’ll help you define and prioritize your goals. Our team values your individuality, working closely to understand your vision and create a customized legacy plan. Benefit from our expertise in investment banking, estate planning, retirement savings, and financial advisory. Use our calculators to make informed decisions.

The Will: Your Foundation

Create a strong foundation for your legacy plan with a legally sound and well-crafted will. Our experienced professionals ensure accurate documentation and legal binding of your wishes. Receive personalized guidance, and have peace of mind knowing your will reflects your intentions. Trust our financial advisors for family management services, investment information, and advice. Build an investment plan that aligns with your goals and continues your legacy.

Insurance for Security and Continuity

Life is unpredictable, but our legacy planning service helps you mitigate potential risks. We understand that protecting your family’s financial well-being is of utmost importance to you. That’s why we assist you in identifying the need for insurance coverage to secure your family’s future. Our team will carefully analyze your situation and recommend the most suitable insurance options to provide you with the peace of mind you deserve. By ensuring the continuity of your legacy, we help you leave a lasting impact for generations to come.

Tax Planning for Smooth Transitions

Tax implications can significantly impact your legacy. Our experts understand the complexities of tax planning and will work with you to create a tax-efficient plan. We will carefully analyze your assets and financial situation to minimize the burden on your beneficiaries and maximize the value of your assets. Our goal is to help you create a smooth transition for your loved ones, ensuring that they can benefit from your legacy without unnecessary financial strain.

How to Do
Legacy Planning in Malaysia?

The process of registering a company or business with SSM is simpler than you might think. Here’s a quick rundown of the steps:

Understanding Your Assets

Begin by taking stock of all your assets, including properties, investments, business holdings, and personal belongings. Assess their value and determine your financial standing.

When evaluating your assets, it’s important to consider not only their monetary value but also their sentimental worth. Certain items may hold great emotional significance for you or your loved ones, and it’s crucial to take that into account when planning your legacy.
Additionally, it’s advisable to consult with financial experts who can provide insights into the potential growth or risks associated with your assets. This will help you make informed decisions about how to best allocate them in your legacy plan.

Choosing Your Legacy Goal

Reflect on what you wish to achieve with your legacy. Do you want to provide financial security for future generations, support a charitable cause, or keep a family tradition alive? Define your goals clearly.

Legacy planning is not just about distributing your assets; it’s about leaving behind a lasting impact that aligns with your values and beliefs. Take the time to think about the legacy you want to leave behind and how it can positively influence the lives of others.

Consider involving your family members in this process, as their input can provide valuable insights and ensure that your legacy goals resonate with everyone involved.

The Will: Your Foundation

Ensure your legacy goals with a legally valid will that reflects your wishes. Seek professional assistance to meet all legal formalities. Trust a specialized estate planning lawyer to guide you through requirements and complexities. Address crucial matters like appointing guardians, healthcare preferences, and funeral arrangements. Provide clarity and peace of mind to loved ones. Benefit from calculators, financial advisors, brokers, estate planning, investment services, credit optimization, retirement planning, tax planning, and insurance expertise.

How to Appoint a Malaysia Legacy
Planning Services Company Online?

Appointing a reputable legacy planning service company in Malaysia is as easy as following these three steps:


Conduct thorough research on legacy planning service providers in Malaysia. Look for companies with a strong track record, positive client testimonials, and a comprehensive range of services.


Reach out to the shortlisted companies to schedule consultations. During these sessions, discuss your legacy goals, requirements, and any concerns you may have. Assess the company’s expertise and approach to ensure a good fit.


Once you have evaluated different companies, make an informed decision and appoint the Malaysia legacy planning services company that best aligns with your needs. Ensure all terms and conditions are clearly stated in a written agreement.

How to Choose a Reliable and Qualified Legacy Planning
Service Company in Malaysia?

In your search for a reliable and qualified legacy planning service company in Malaysia, consider the following tips:

Contact Us Right Now to Learn More about Prescon Hallmark Legacy Planning Services

If you’re ready to secure your legacy, our team at Prescon Hallmark is here to assist you every step of the way. Contact us now to schedule a consultation and discover how our hallmark legacy planning services can safeguard your future.


What Is Legacy Planning?
Legacy planning is the strategic process of managing and preserving one’s wealth, values, and goals to leave a meaningful and lasting impact.
Why do we need legacy planning?
We need legacy planning to ensure our assets are distributed according to our wishes, our loved ones are financially secure, and our values and traditions are preserved.
How much does it cost to hire a legacy planning company in Malaysia?
The cost of hiring a legacy planning company in Malaysia varies depending on the complexity of your estate but it generally starts at RM9,000.
What Is the difference between legacy planning and estate planning?
While estate planning focuses on the distribution of assets after death, legacy planning encompasses a broader perspective, including the transmission of values, traditions, and goals along with financial provisions.